Wednesday, November 14, 2018

I associate HOPE with RVAP’s daily work. As a word it cannot be bought,  It does not belong to one person, to one organization, it does not have a monetary value; it belongs to each one of “US”. My HOPE is for a community where we can all thrive, where we can all feel safe, where we can feel valued and respected. Where sexual violence becomes a rarity instead of the story that unite us. Hope for a community where victims are believed and not stigmatized, hope for a community that is rooted in care for each other. It is on each other to make that world possible. If your Hope matches mine, please donate to RVAP. Together we can! ¡Gracias!

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Katryn Duarte

Assistant Director, SA Services

Rape Victim Advocacy Program

She, her, hers – ella, su, de ella