Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Every survivor of sexual violence deserves the services of a dedicated community of people that are trained to handle their specific needs. The physical, emotional, and psychological reactions to sexual assault are varied and nuanced. It is important for survivors to interact with others who believe them, acknowledge their pain, and listen to them. During some of the darkest hours, the staff and volunteers at RVAP provide a safe, supportive space. They are present throughout the healing process and thoughtful in their approach to survivor support.

By providing education to the University of Iowa community, conducting prevention training, and advocating for victims, RVAP makes our campus a safer place. We must all stand against sexual assault, and I am proud that RVAP is passionate in its commitment to fighting sexual violence at the University of Iowa.

Support RVAP now

Melissa S. Shivers, Ph.D.

Vice President for Student Life and Interim Chief Diversity Officer
Adjunct Associate Professor | Educational Policy and Leadership Studies
University of Iowa